From the Pen of Elizabeth Rowandale...
Seems like I've been writing X-Files Fanfiction forever (okay, since the beginning of second season), and yet Mulder and Scully still just won't shut up in my head. So either I'm certifiable or destined to be a writer. I prefer to think the latter...
My present obsession...
High Tide- Work In Progress. Another story in the "Water's Edge" universe. Eleven months after the end of "Water's Edge", James Maley is set to go to trial, Scully is preparing to face the day her chip will be removed, and Mulder is wondering where he fits in the grand scheme of things, and particularly into Scully's new life...
X-Files Fanfiction (newest
to oldest)
- Water's Edge - My first X-Files Novel. Once a WIP, now completed. Believing Mulder dead, Scully slowly moves on to a new life (or an old one). But perhaps the adventure has not yet ended... And if you make it through this saga, you might want to check out Water's Edge: Behind the Scenes
- Half-Light - A rough night in a station house in Jersey. This is the night referred to in Chapter 14b of "Water's Edge", but no knowledge of "Water's Edge" is necessary for this story.(30KB)
- Another Night In Roswell - Post-ep to "The Truth". Shadows and light and whispered
words. The rest of the night in the motel room in Roswell. (24KB)
- Pulse - A post-ep for "This is Not Happening". The story picks up immediately after the end of the episode. (21KB)
- Watching From the Walls - A vignette from Doggett's POV; his thoughts on Scully. (5KB)
- A Christmas Letter - Scully composes a letter to include in her Christmas cards. Written in response to a challenge on the Scullyfic mailing list. (4KB)
- Hallways - Mulder and Scully's thoughts in the hours following "Milagro". Something more needs to be said... (43KB)
- Learning You - Mulder's thoughts on the development of his relationship with Scully...getting to know her in a multitude of ways... This story is rated NC-17 for sexual content. (12KB)
- Anything At All - A moment in which Scully ponders her relationship with Mulder in a unique light. (7KB)
- The Ashes Series
- Tricks of the Light - What the author would have liked to have seen happen immediately following "Elegy". (32KB)
- The Reason Why - Mulder ponders the state of his life while on the way to meet a date. (11KB)
- Hazards of the Job - Scully wrestles with the perils of investing personal emotions in the work, and, as always, Mulder tries to figure out Scully. (42KB)
- For A Moment - Scully takes stock of her life
during a quiet moment on a case. (5KB)
- Breakfast - Mulder and Scully meet for breakfast the morning after "Irresistible". (20KB)
- Silent Lines - Mulder struggles with when to draw the line and respect Scully's privacy when she is faced with a traumatic loss on the job. (12KB)
Want something a little darker? Try my alter ego Rowan Darkstar.
Like what you see? Hate it? Want to discuss the weather? Email me and we'll chat.
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Copyright (c) 2002 Elizabeth Rowandale